Kiran Manohar Deshmukh

Kiran Manohar Deshmukh

Group CTO

Kiran Manohar Deshmukh is the Chief Technology Officer of our Company. He holds a bachelor’s degree in technology in metallurgical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. Mr Deshmukh has significant experience in automotive components manufacturing and has worked in the areas of, among others, manufacturing, process control and design. He is responsible for steering the development of new technologies, establishing technology partnerships, and building competencies in manufacturing excellence in our Company. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Mr Deshmukh was awarded the Ashoka Award by the Indian Society for Quality in 2006. In 2022, he was honoured with the prestigious Ishikawa-Kano Silver Medal by the Asian Network for Quality, an umbrella organization comprising national quality organizations of 19 Asian countries. Before joining our Company, he worked with Bharat Gears Limited and Sona Koyo Steering Systems Limited as the deputy managing director and executive vice chairman. He has also worked as managing director of Sona Skill Development Centre Limited and was director of SKAP Forging Private Limited, both of which are now merged with Aureus Investment Private Limited. He joined our Company on July 1, 2019.